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Eliot, M. E., Cornell, D. G., Gregory, A., Fan, X. (2010). Supportive school climate and student 

     willingness to seek help for bullying and threats of violence. Journal of School Psychology, 48,  

     533-553. Eliot, M.E. (2009).


School characteristics related to student help seeking: Supportive climate and zero tolerance

     discipline policies. University of Virginia. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.


Cornell, D. G., & Eliot, M. E. (2009). Prevention of youth violence. In E. P Benedek, P. Ash, & C. L. Scott

     (Eds.). Principles and practice of child and adolescent forensic mental health. Washington, DC:

     American Psychiatric Publishing.


Eliot, M. E. & Cornell, D. G. (2009) Bullying in middle school as a function of insecure attachment

     and aggressive attitudes. School Psychology International, 30, 1-14.


Eliot, M. E. & Cornell, D. G. (2006, August) The Effect of Parental Attachment on Bullying in Middle

     School. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association,

     New Orleans, LA.


Eliot, M. E. (2019, April). Integrating Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Techniques and EMDR.  Two-hour

    Lecture, Integrative Trauma Program, National Institute for the Psychotherapies, New York, NY.


Eliot, M. E. (2019, September; 2020, September; 2021, September). The Trauma Informed Intake               

    Interview. One -Hour Lecture, Integrative Trauma Program, National Institute for the Psychotherapies,

    New York, NY.


Eliot, M. E. (2017, April; 2018 May; 2019, March). Trauma & The Body: An Introduction to Sensorimotor           Psychotherapy. Two-Hour Workshop, New York, NY.


Eliot, M.E. (2013, March). What is trauma informed care? Grand rounds presentation, Center for   

    Comprehensive Care, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, New York, NY.


Eliot, M.E. (2012, March). HIV disclosure between parents and children: To tell or not to tell? 

    Grand rounds presentation, Center for Comprehensive Care, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, 

    New York, NY.


Eliot, M. E. (2011, October). HIV and mental health. Guest lecturer in psychology internship

    seminar, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, New York, NY.


Eliot, M. E. (2011, June). Attachment style and patient-provider relationships

    Implications for  treatment adherence. Grand rounds presentation, Center for Comprehensive Care, 

    St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, New York, NY.


Eliot, M. E. (2010, July). Slouching towards Bethlehem: Treatment of Gender

    Identity Disorder in a six-year-old child. Grand rounds case presentation, Stamford Child Guidance

    Center, Stamford, CT.


Eliot, M.E. (2010, March). Introduction to psychological assessment for social

    workers. Workshop presentation in social work internship seminar, Stamford Child Guidance Center,

    Stamford, CT.


Eliot, M. E. (2009, July). Absentee fathers: Theory and treatment considerations.

    Grand rounds presentation, Psychiatry Department, Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center, Bronx,



Eliot, M. E. (2008, August). School characteristics that promote student help seeking

    for bullying and threats of violence. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American

    Psychological Association, Boston, MA.


Eliot, M. E. (October, 2006; 2007) Guest lecturer on school violence prevention, graduate course in

     School and Community Relations, University of Virginia, Curry School of Education.

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